Paolo's Blog Random thoughts of a Junior Computer Scientist

On Overview of how Python works under the hoods (Part 2)

In the previous post, I’ve given you an overview of what the compilation process is like in Python. Now that we have the compiled bytecode let’s see what happens when the Python Virtual Machine, the interpreter, runs that code. Some programming languages (e.g., C++) are translated into instructions that run directly on hardware. We speak of com... Read more

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

What does it mean to learn something? What is learning? Intuitively learning for us means interacting with an external environment, do something, see what happens and act consequently, see what happens and act consequently again, and so on … So the question of the researchers was: ‘Why don’t we apply this process also to the machines? Nature ... Read more

On Overview of how Python works under the hoods (Part 1)

Are you sure that Python is an interpreted language? Have you ever tried to dig into the Python internal? If you haven’t done it yet, in this post I’m going to explain to you, or at least try to give you an overview, how python works behind the scenes. But before we start I want to point out an important concept: there is not always a one-to-o... Read more